Charax metae

Lista Taxonômica > Characidae > Characinae > Charax metae
- Descrito por / Described by:
Carl H. Eigenmann, 1922
- Nome original / Original name:
Charax metae
- Nome do artigo / Article name:
The fishes of western South America, Part I. The fresh-water fishes of northwestern South America, including Colombia, Panama, and the Pacific slopes of Ecuador and Peru, together with an appendix upon the fishes of the Rio Meta in Colombia.
- Publicado em / Published in:
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 9 (no. 1): 1-346, Pls. 1-38.
- Localidade tipo / Type locality:
Barrigón, rio Meta, bacia Orinoco, Colômbia. / Barrigón, Río Meta, Orinoco System, Colombia.