Attonitus irisae

- Descrito por / Described by:
Richard P. Vari & Hernan Ortega, 2000

- Nome original / Original name:
Attonitus irisae

- Nome do artigo / Article name:
Attonitus, a new genus of sexually dimorphic characiforms (Ostariophysi: Characidae) from western Amazonia; a phylogenetic definition and description of three new species.

- Publicado em / Published in:
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 11 (no. 2): 113-140.

- Localidade tipo / Type locality:
Foz do rio Huambo, onde ele deságua no rio Pachitea, aproximadamente 9°39'S, 74°56'W, província Pachitea, depto. de Huanuco, Peru, elevação 260 metros. / Mouth of Río Huambo, where it empties into Río Pachitea, about 9°39'S, 74°56'W, Province Pachitea, Depto de Huanuco, Peru, elevation 260 meters.