Prodontocharax melanotus

Prodontocharax melanotus. Lectótipo. CAS 59793 Copyright©: The California Academy of Sciences – Ichthyology Section.
Prodontocharax melanotus. Lectótipo. CAS 59793 Copyright©: The California Academy of Sciences – Ichthyology Section.

- Descrito por / Described by:
Nathan E. Pearson, 1924

- Nome original / Original name:
Prodontocharax melanotus

- Nome do artigo / Article name:
The fishes of the eastern slope of the Andes. I. The fishes of the Rio Beni basin, Bolivia, collected by the Mulford expedition.

- Publicado em / Published in:
Indiana University Studies v. 11 (no. 64): 1-83, Pls. 1-12.

- Localidade tipo / Type locality:
Tumupasa, 30 milhas a noroeste de Rurrenabaque, Bolívia, elevação 1000 pés. / Tumupasa, 30 miles northwest of Rurrenabaque, Bolivia, elevation about 1000 feet.